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The financial industry is continuously evolving, and 2023 is no exception. With new regulations and technological advancements, it’s crucial for insurance brokers and financial institutions to stay informed and compliant. This article delves into the latest updates from the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) and the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), focusing on Open Finance, regulatory obligations, and how these changes impact insurance brokers.

Upcoming FIC Webinar: A Must-Attend Event

Understanding Targeted Financial Sanctions and Regulatory Reporting

The FIC has scheduled an important webinar for October 24, 2023, focusing on Targeted Financial Sanctions obligations and regulatory reporting. This session is essential for all accountable institutions. Registration is open at FIC Webinar Registration.

FSCA Levy Invoices for 2023/2024

Prepare for Upcoming Financial Obligations

The FSCA will dispatch the 2023/2024 levy invoices by October 30, 2023. All institutions must ensure payment by November 30, 2023, to avoid any compliance issues.

Compliance Notice: Mandatory Website Updates

Information Regulator's Directive for Transparency

Insurance brokers with websites are mandated to upload Form 02 and Form 03, as per the Information Regulator’s compliance notice. These forms enhance transparency and regulatory adherence.

FSCA Information Request for Participants in Open Finance

A Comparative Analysis

  • Traditional Finance: Characterized by financial institutions controlling customer data and services. Traditional finance relies on conventional information sources like application forms and direct customer consultations.
  • Open Finance: A revolutionary data-sharing model where customers can share their financial data with third-party providers. Open Finance leverages APIs and screen scraping to offer innovative financial services and products.

The Role of APIs and Screen Scraping in Open Finance

Technological Drivers of Modern Finance

APIs allow safe linkage between traditional financial institutions and third parties, facilitating data access. Screen scraping, on the other hand, enables direct access to customer bank accounts through external portals.

The Importance of Staying Informed and Compliant

Staying abreast of these changes and understanding their implications is crucial for every insurance broker. Embracing Open Finance can offer competitive advantages, but it comes with the responsibility of adherence to new regulations and technological integrations.